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Found 16 results for the keyword am presence. Time 0.014 seconds.
The Crowned and Conquering ChildRa-hoor-khuit and The New Aeon of Light, Life, Love Liberty
The Crowned and Conquering Child: Gone, gone, gone beyond: anattaRa-hoor-khuit and The New Aeon of Light, Life, Love Liberty
John ArmitageWelcome to the personal website of John Armitage where you can find articles on healing, channeling and meditation.
Teachings of the Ascended Masters | The Summit LighthouseBe Inspired. Be Empowered. Be Connected. Access the Free Lessons of Your Choice Now...
Ascended Masters Teachings | The Summit LighthouseExplore the Teachings of the Ascended Masters from Mark Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Use the Violet Flame to bring healthy change to your life!
Archangels - The Seven Archangels -Archangels are extraordinary beings, extensions of God himself, personifying his grace and majesty and power. All the archangels are healers.
Spiritual energies John ArmitageThe word Mahatma is a mantra with which to invoke the energy of The Rider of the White Horse, the Source. It is not the same Mahatma Madame Blavatsky and others have referred to in their writings, which is a Sanskrit wo
Earth healing John ArmitageMeditation from Israel Saturday 17th November 2001
Angels - Guardian Angels - Heavenly HostsGod created the angels out of his own essence as beings who would sustain his magnificent feelings throughout the universe.
Saint Germain Foundation | Religious Organization | United StatesSaint Germain Foundation is an international religious organization in existence for over 85 years, and offers to spiritual seekers the original and true Teaching of the Law of Life, as given through Mr. and Mrs. G.W. B
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